Anthony Brockway Vice President of Chemistry

Grand Challenge
Fuels and Chemicals
Golden, CO
Company Info
The world is drowning in plastic pollution. Plastic manufacturing currently accounts for a large and growing fraction of global CO2 emissions, while only a small percentage of plastic is ever recycled. Our aim is to achieve meaningful environmental change by designing a bioplastic that is cost and performance competitive with petroleum-based plastics.
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Anthony Brockway joins the Breakthrough Energy Fellows program from Sustainable Chemicals (Sust-Chem) in Golden, Colorado. He is the VP of Chemistry, and is responsible for leading the research and development of the company’s polymerization technology. Anthony has more than 17 years of experience as a synthetic organic chemist in areas spanning organic reaction methodology development, natural product total synthesis, polymer chemistry, polymer drug conjugation, and medicinal chemistry.
Sust-Chem is dedicated to developing innovative, fully compostable, and renewable bioplastics. The approach involves using a plant-based raw material that is 20% cheaper than petrochemical counterparts and can be produced in volumes sufficient to meet the demands of the plastics industry. This strategic advantage positions Sust-Chem competitively against both traditional and bio-based plastics. Sust-Chem’s bioplastics are engineered for optimal circularity and have a benign end-of-life, whether recycled, landfilled, or lost in the oceans. The Breakthrough Energy Innovator Fellows program will enable Sust-Chem to further derisk technology by providing the resources needed to optimize the manufacturing processes, scale up synthesis, expand thermo-mechanical testing, and demonstrate biodegradability in environmentally relevant settings.
Anthony obtained both a B.S. and a PhD. in Chemistry from the University of California, Davis. He performed postdoctoral research in Medicinal Chemistry at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas, TX.
01 What did you want to be when you grew up?
A Major League Baseball player.
02 What beliefs drive you?
Love your neighbor as yourself. We have a moral responsibility to leave the world in a better condition than we found it.