Windfall Bio
Company Description

Windfall Bio is a nature-based agricultural technology company that harnesses methane-eating microbes to transform harmful methane into organic soil nutrients on site. Methane’s accumulation in the atmosphere has accelerated rapidly and methane is now responsible for over half of current atmospheric warming and most methane that is emitted today is too dilute to capture economically.
Addressing these methane emissions, one of the largest and most underappreciated problems for global warming, is the most impactful strategy available today to address near-term climate change. To do this, Windfall Bio is developing the first-ever solution for capturing and transforming climate-harming methane emissions into living organic fertilizer. Windfall Bio uses proprietary nature-based technology that enriches natural methane-eating microbes (MEMs) from the soil. These organisms consume methane directly while also capturing nitrogen from the air to produce an organic fertilizer with potentially better bioavailability, reduced runoff, and reduced downstream emissions compared to synthetic ammonia fertilizers. The result is a living organic fertilizer that is more natural for soils and for the environment, available at the same price as current organic fertilizers. This practice enables sustainable farming practices for both large and small farms by providing a low-cost, low-maintenance solution to capture methane emissions.