Company Description

Crop and forest residues — which we call biomass — can be converted into valuable bioproducts, including sustainable biofuels, fertilizers, and other chemicals. Most existing technologies to create biofuels and other bioproducts are large-scale, centralized, and capital-intensive. Because collecting and transporting natural waste is difficult and expensive, many rural communities have no choice but to burn their natural waste in open air.
Takachar is developing a portable device that will attach to the back of tractors and pick-up trucks and convert crop and forest waste into biofuels, fertilizers, and other valuable products onsite. By eliminating the need to transport loose and bulky biomass — or resulting products — over long distances, this small-scale, low-cost portable system will increase efficiency of biomass conversion and enable rural communities to create customizable bioproducts in local, distributed networks.
Combatting climate change and making biomass profitable
With this affordable, mobile solution, Takachar will enable rural communities to participate in the emerging bioproduct economy and avoid burning their debris, which causes billions of dollars in economic loss, significant air pollution, and increased wildfire risk. Once scaled, Takachar’s solution will help create a network of self-sufficient rural communities that can produce sustainable farming materials for their local use and transition away from traditional carbon-intensive chemical.