Company Description

More than 99 percent of the world’s steel is rolled after casting. This process requires repeated fossil-fired heating and cooling of the material as it passes through multiple rollers. This is estimated to produce 0.2 to 0.4 tons of CO2 per ton of steel product produced — 1 percent of all greenhouse gas emissions.
MetPeel replaces the fossil-fired, hot-rolling process with a new, low-temperature, single-step mechanical process for making steel sheet and strip that significantly reduces energy consumption and CO2 emissions.
Fundamental improvements in materials science and control systems have enabled this process, which involves machining or “peeling” a continuous, thin metal strip directly from a solid metal feedstock surface in one single step without the need for external heating. MetPeel’s one-step process has the potential to eliminate 1.4 billion tons of CO2 emissions annually by 2050.